To display the beauty of each house, our photographer- Jonathan- uses a style of blending called “Flambient.” Flambient is a mixture of flash photography and any available light (or ambient) in the house. Our photographer does this in post-processing, in order to get the most authentic and realistic view of the house. Jonathan takes multiple composites of the same shot and combines them in post-processing to get one final shot.
These photos will be delivered within a 24 hour period upon completion of the home
Expect 30-45 edited pictures. (This varies depending on the size of the house)
We will deliver your photos through a link.
At Dave Closing Services, we believe integrity is key to any relationship. As a result, we do everything with integrity. We understand that we are not only helping the realtor but a homeowner and a homebuyer as well. We want to help you with this experience and our goal is to deliver the best product that we can offer. If you would like any testimonials click “new here” on the toolbar
Get in touch.
Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions or are interested in the services we provide. Thank you and someone will get in contact with you as soon as possible.